Schoen Klinik Muenchen Harlaching - Munich

Harlachinger Str. 51 , 81547 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Harlachinger Str. 51 , 81547 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 62 11-0
GPS Lat: 48.103981 , Lon: 11.566870


Proprietors: Johann und Silvia Stadtmüller Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 66 10 42 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 65 25 34 Website: Seating capacity inside: 2,695...

Found an apartment in Munich is not so difficult ….. but expensive! So, if you earn a lot of money it’s not a problem, but if you search for something “normal” on the market, your search could take...


Oktoberfest Survival Telephone Numbers Oktoberfest Guidance: 089-2323900 or 089-50077500 Oktoberfest Police: 089-5003220 Oktoberfest Post Office: 089-50222356 Festival Management: 089-23330-091,...

Hotels in Munich