Patworx Patentanwälte - Munich München

Nigerstraße 4 , 81675 , Munich München , Bayern ,Germany

Address: Nigerstraße 4 , 81675 , Munich München , Germany
Phone: 08918916310
GPS Lat: 48.137722 , Lon: 11.605245


Munich Christmas Markets: A Winter Wonderland of Tradition and Delight In the heart of Bavaria, amidst the snow-covered landscapes and enchanting architecture, lies the magical city of Munich. Known...

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Munich Churches The most famous Church is the Munich Cathedral (Frauenkirche) Church of our Lady. You can found a list with all the Churchs in Munich visiting this page Below the address of the most...

In Munich is possible to eat good Pizza, quite like in Italy. Where? Discover here all the Pizzerias in Munich !


Munich Singles There are several popular places in Munich where singles often meet and socialize. Here are some suggestions: 1. Bars and Clubs : Munich has a vibrant nightlife scene with many bars...

Hotels in Munich