Goettling Sonya Andrea - Munich

Knappertsbuschstr. 37 , 81927 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Knappertsbuschstr. 37 , 81927 , Munich , Germany
Phone: 0162 2 60 24 09
GPS Lat: 48.161888 , Lon: 11.639500


Proprietors: Christl and Toni Roiderer Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)8170 7303 Website: www.hacker-festzelt.de Seating capacity: 9,300 Brewery: Hacker-Pschorr Music: Cagey Strings Rock’n’Roll...

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Allach, Altstadt, Am Hart , Am Moosfeld , Au , Aubing , Baumkirchen , Berg am Laim , Blumenau , Bogenhausen , Daglfing , Denning , Englschalking , Fasanerie , Fasangarten , Feldmoching , Forstenried...

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FAQs and Tips The legal Drinking age for beer in Germany is 16. If you look near this age, you might be asked for ID. Children are however allowed to visit the beer tents but children under 6 must...

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