Klinikum der Universitaet Muenchen, Innenstadt -

, Munich , , ,Germany

Address: , Munich , , Germany
Phone: München
GPS Lat: 48.139126 , Lon: 11.580186


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Löwenbräu AG Nymphenburger Str. 4, 80335 München. 089 - 052000 http://www.loewenbraeu.de/ Founded: 1383 Annual production: 1,900,000 hl (Spaten & Löwenbräu combined: Löwenbräu = ca 900,000 hl) Beer...

Introduction: Munich, the vibrant capital city of Bavaria, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively beer gardens. While it may have a reputation for being an expensive...

Munich Bike

Opening times Tents serve beer from 10am until 10:30pm during the week and from 9am to 10:30pm on weekends. Closing time is 11:30pm daily. The Weinzelt and Käfer are both open later than the other...

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