Glaser Rolf - Munich

Bergsonstr. 7 , 81245 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Bergsonstr. 7 , 81245 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 8 14 48 13
GPS Lat: 48.165279 , Lon: 11.455260


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Munich is a very green city and has a lot of parks where is possible to walk, ride with bike, swim or just lay on the grass. The most bigger and famous park in Munich is the Englischer Garten but...

Munich Bike

Proprietors: Peter and Arabella Pongratz Phone Wiesn tent +49 (0) 89 50 22 22 00 Fax Wiesn tent +49 (0) 89 50 22 22 02 Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 62 17 19 10 Reservation office (fax): +49...

Munich Christmas Markets: A Winter Wonderland of Tradition and Delight In the heart of Bavaria, amidst the snow-covered landscapes and enchanting architecture, lies the magical city of Munich. Known...

Hotels in Munich