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Apianstraße 9, Unterföhring, Germany, 85774
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Telephone089 - 452 44 25 - 25
Martin-Luther-Straße 22, Munich, Germany, 81539
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Telephone+49 89 6924512

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Six golden rules when you go to the mountains 1) Planning A tour can only be as good as your planning. Do you get some map material? Where can you take a rest? Shelters or farm huts on the route?...

Although many people don't realize it, the Oktoberfest is not only about beer. In reality, many people visit the grounds to enjoy the many rollercoasters and other such rides that are available for...

Opening times Tents serve beer from 10am until 10:30pm during the week and from 9am to 10:30pm on weekends. Closing time is 11:30pm daily. The Weinzelt and Käfer are both open later than the other...

Hotels in Munich