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Most tents will offer a closed-off smoking area outside the tents, however there are no tables or chairs allowed in those smoking areas

Reservations Reservations to the Oktoberfest are not necessary and entry to the grounds is free, however they can make the experience a little more relaxing, especially if coming on one of the...

Rosamunde Schon seit vielen langen Jahren Liebe ich die Rosamunde, Und ich denke jede Stunde: Einmal muß sie es erfahren. Seh' ich ihre roten Lippen Mit dem ewig frohen Lachen, Möcht' ich alles...


Some ideas to visit near Munich with the S-Bhan S2 Altomünster - Market town with a baroque church (S-Bahn station: S2 Altomünster) S4 Geltendorf - Excursion to Castle Kaltenberg (S-Bahn station: S4...

Hotels in Munich