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Proprietors: Ludwig Hagn and Stephanie Spendler Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 47 76 77 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 470 58 48 Website: www.loewenbraeuzelt.de Seating capacity inside:...

Tent Tricks Due to the increasing popularity of the Oktoberfest, it has become difficult to gain entrance to tents during busy times. Generally, the busiest times are weekends and on Friday after...

Munich Tollwood Festival The Munich Tollwood Festival is a popular cultural event that takes place twice a year in Munich, Germany. The festival is known for its focus on environmental...


Munich Singles There are several popular places in Munich where singles often meet and socialize. Here are some suggestions: 1. Bars and Clubs : Munich has a vibrant nightlife scene with many bars...

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