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How many calories are in Oktoberfest food? Oktoberfest-Maß = 500kcal Wiesn-Schnitzel = 400kcal Spezi 0,5 lt = 200kcal Halbe Hendl = 700-800 kcal Schweinebraten ca. 200 gr. = 600-700 kcal...

Six golden rules when you go to the mountains 1) Planning A tour can only be as good as your planning. Do you get some map material? Where can you take a rest? Shelters or farm huts on the route?...

Introduction: Munich, the vibrant capital city of Bavaria, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively beer gardens. While it may have a reputation for being an expensive...

München München ist eine Stadt mit tausend Gesichtern , scheinbar anders, aber in der Lage , einen " besonderen Atmosphäre, die die ganze Stadt umgibt , so dass es attraktiv in den Augen aller....

Hotels in Munich