Poppert Dierk Dr., Selinger Laszlo Dr. - Munich

Franz-Sperr Weg 11-13 , 80995 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Franz-Sperr Weg 11-13 , 80995 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 1 50 81 83
Web: http://www.herzangst.com
GPS Lat: 48.201229 , Lon: 11.537840


Munich Munich a is a city with a thousand faces , seemingly different, yet capable of creating a ' special atmosphere that envelops the entire city , making it attractive in the eyes of all. Munich...

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Proprietors: Siegfried and Sabine Abele and friends Office (phone): +49 (0)89 31 20 55 29 Office (fax): +49 (89) 31 20 55 15 Seating capacity inside: 3,200 Seating capacity outside: 1,000 Brewery:...

Munich Christmas Markets: A Magical Winter Wonderland As the festive season approaches, cities around the world transform into magical wonderlands adorned with twinkling lights, aromatic scents, and...

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