Popescu Adrian Dr. - Munich

Peter-Paul-Althaus-Str. 13 , 80805 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Peter-Paul-Althaus-Str. 13 , 80805 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 36 48 06
GPS Lat: 48.170731 , Lon: 11.601470


Marienplatz Marienplatz 1, 80331 Munich Frauenkirche Frauenplatz 12, 80331 Munich English Garden Englischer Garten 1, 80538 Munich Nymphenburg Palace Schloss Nymphenburg 1, 80638 Munich BMW Welt and...

FAQs and Tips The legal Drinking age for beer in Germany is 16. If you look near this age, you might be asked for ID. Children are however allowed to visit the beer tents but children under 6 must...

Tent Tricks Due to the increasing popularity of the Oktoberfest, it has become difficult to gain entrance to tents during busy times. Generally, the busiest times are weekends and on Friday after...

Munich guided and individual tours

S-Bahn: S1 - S8 to Hackerbrücke S7, S20 and S27 to Heimeranplatz, and then U4 or U5 to station Theresienwiese or Schwanthalerhöhe U-Bahn: U3 or U6 to Goetheplatz or Poccistraße U4 or U5 to...

Hotels in Munich