Wagner Wolfgang Dr. - Munich

Landsberger Str. 529 , 81241 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Landsberger Str. 529 , 81241 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 89 67 02 55
GPS Lat: 48.146580 , Lon: 11.459660


Proprietors: Roland, Doris and Stephan Kuffler Tent office (phone): +49 (0)89 500 77 411 Tent office (fax): +49 (0)89 502 22 362 Website: www.weinzelt.com/ Seating capacity inside: 1,300 Seating...

Munich guided and individual tours

Getting to Munich Here some advices 1 By Air from the Airport Franz Josef Strauss - Munich The Airport Franz Josef Strauss is not very far from Munich and well connected with the public transport. 2...

Most tents will offer a closed-off smoking area outside the tents, however there are no tables or chairs allowed in those smoking areas

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Some ideas for a 5 days trip in Munich Breakfast/Lunch Visit 1 Lunch Visit 2 Dinner Nightlife 1 Deutsches Museum Bergwolf Sesto Senso Pizza & Bar... Jazzbar Vogler 2 Paulaner am Nockherberg...

Hotels in Munich