Fleckenstein Martin Dr.med. - Munich

Nymphenburger Str. 172 , 80634 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Nymphenburger Str. 172 , 80634 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 16 33 05
Web: http://www.dr-fleckenstein.de
GPS Lat: 48.154152 , Lon: 11.533221


Proprietors: Siegfried and Sabine Abele and friends Office (phone): +49 (0)89 31 20 55 29 Office (fax): +49 (89) 31 20 55 15 Seating capacity inside: 3,200 Seating capacity outside: 1,000 Brewery:...

Getting There Most people arrive in Munich via the Munich International Airport (MUC) which is to the north west of the city center. It is connected to the city by S-Bahn (S8 and S1) which takes...

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Starkbierzeit and strong beer festivals in Munich After the end of the carnival season begins in Bavaria the time of the Stark beer. It's celebrated this with Bavarian music , dancing , hearty food...

FAQs and Tips The legal Drinking age for beer in Germany is 16. If you look near this age, you might be asked for ID. Children are however allowed to visit the beer tents but children under 6 must...

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