Kardos Goran Dipl.-Ing. - Munich

Beetzstr. 5 , 81679 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Beetzstr. 5 , 81679 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 47 52 72
GPS Lat: 48.141453 , Lon: 11.608829


How is the current weather and the forecast in Munich? Find it out here Getting to Munich Getting to Munich Here some advices 1 By Air from the Airport Franz Josef Strauss - Munich The Airport Franz Josef Strauss is not very far from Munich and well connected with the public transport. 2... Munich Events Munich Events Rosamunde Rosamunde Schon seit vielen langen Jahren Liebe ich die Rosamunde, Und ich denke jede Stunde: Einmal muß sie es erfahren. Seh' ich ihre roten Lippen Mit dem ewig frohen Lachen, Möcht' ich alles... How to find an apartment or room in Munich Found an apartment in Munich is not so difficult ….. but expensive! So, if you earn a lot of money it’s not a problem, but if you search for something “normal” on the market, your search could take... 5 days in Munich Some ideas for a 5 days trip in Munich Breakfast/Lunch Visit 1 Lunch Visit 2 Dinner Nightlife 1 Deutsches Museum Bergwolf Sesto Senso Pizza & Bar... Jazzbar Vogler 2 Paulaner am Nockherberg... Hotels in Munich {source}

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