Bayerische Bahnsicherungsdienste & Landschaftsbau GmbH München - Munich

Kirchseeoner Str. 1 , 81669 , Munich , München-Ramersdorf ,Germany

Address: Kirchseeoner Str. 1 , 81669 , Munich , Germany
Phone: 0174 1 97 29 83
GPS Lat: 48.116219 , Lon: 11.613160


Informationen Festwirte: Sepp Krätz Brauerei: Spaten Musik: Münchner Zwietracht, Simmisamma Sitzplätze: Zelt: 3.300, Garten: 1.000 Reservierungsbüro: Weinstr. 7a, 80333 München Tel.: (0 89) 29 16 46...


Getting to Munich Here some advices 1 By Air from the Airport Franz Josef Strauss - Munich The Airport Franz Josef Strauss is not very far from Munich and well connected with the public transport. 2...

Found an apartment in Munich is not so difficult ….. but expensive! So, if you earn a lot of money it’s not a problem, but if you search for something “normal” on the market, your search could take...

S-Bahn: S1 - S8 to Hackerbrücke S7, S20 and S27 to Heimeranplatz, and then U4 or U5 to station Theresienwiese or Schwanthalerhöhe U-Bahn: U3 or U6 to Goetheplatz or Poccistraße U4 or U5 to...

Each year the most bigger festival in the world, takes place on the Theresienwiese in late September / early October . About 6 million visitors from around the world come to the " Oktoberfest " in...

Hotels in Munich