Fahrschule Bozkaya & Widmann GmbH - Munich

Neuherbergstr. 108 , 80937 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Neuherbergstr. 108 , 80937 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 31 81 22 86
GPS Lat: 48.208977 , Lon: 11.566325


Proprietors: Michael Käfer Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 416 83 56 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 416 88 80 Website: www.feinkost-kaefer.de/oktoberfest/ Seating capacity inside: 1,000...

Munich offer you several options to spend your time, from the small bar up to the bigger club. At Munich4you.net you can found a list with : Going out Bars Beer Cellars Beer Gardens Disco Live music...

Tent Tricks Due to the increasing popularity of the Oktoberfest, it has become difficult to gain entrance to tents during busy times. Generally, the busiest times are weekends and on Friday after...

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Munich Clubs Munich is known for its vibrant nightlife scene, with a variety of clubs and venues catering to different tastes and preferences. Here are some of the best clubs in Munich that you may...

Introduction: Munich, the vibrant capital city of Bavaria, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively beer gardens. While it may have a reputation for being an expensive...

Hotels in Munich