Eugen Schuster GmbH - Munich

Trogerstr. 20 , 81675 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Trogerstr. 20 , 81675 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 41 07 99 24
GPS Lat: 48.137386 , Lon: 11.602204



Found an apartment in Munich is not so difficult ….. but expensive! So, if you earn a lot of money it’s not a problem, but if you search for something “normal” on the market, your search could take...

Accommodation Tips in Munich 1 Area Options Public transport works very well, day and night, so feel free to choose a hotel also a bit far way from the city center and save some money. 2 Determining...

Opening times Tents serve beer from 10am until 10:30pm during the week and from 9am to 10:30pm on weekends. Closing time is 11:30pm daily. The Weinzelt and Käfer are both open later than the other...

Munich Singles There are several popular places in Munich where singles often meet and socialize. Here are some suggestions: 1. Bars and Clubs : Munich has a vibrant nightlife scene with many bars...

Munich Bike Cycling in Munich is a popular and convenient way to get around the city. Munich is known for its extensive network of bike paths and lanes, making it a bike-friendly city for both...

Hotels in Munich