Findus-Reisen - Munich

Engadiner Str. 2 , 81475 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Engadiner Str. 2 , 81475 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 75 07 58 01
GPS Lat: 48.089699 , Lon: 11.480570


Found an apartment in Munich is not so difficult ….. but expensive! So, if you earn a lot of money it’s not a problem, but if you search for something “normal” on the market, your search could take...

Informationen Festwirte: Sepp Krätz Brauerei: Spaten Musik: Münchner Zwietracht, Simmisamma Sitzplätze: Zelt: 3.300, Garten: 1.000 Reservierungsbüro: Weinstr. 7a, 80333 München Tel.: (0 89) 29 16 46...

Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu KGaA Marsstraße 46+48, 80335 München. Tel.: 089 - 51220 Fax: 089 - 52222400 Email: Homepage:

Proprietors: Ludwig Hagn and Stephanie Spendler Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 47 76 77 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 470 58 48 Website: Seating capacity inside:...

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