My Dirndl Natalie Brault - Munich

Trogerstr. 17 , 81675 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Trogerstr. 17 , 81675 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 83 99 91
GPS Lat: 48.139542 , Lon: 11.601240


Around Marienplatz Henry the Lion transformed Marienplatz into the centre of Munich – and it remains the heart of the city today. This is where the Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall) stands, major public...

Allach, Altstadt, Am Hart , Am Moosfeld , Au , Aubing , Baumkirchen , Berg am Laim , Blumenau , Bogenhausen , Daglfing , Denning , Englschalking , Fasanerie , Fasangarten , Feldmoching , Forstenried...

Accommodation Tips in Munich 1 Area Options Public transport works very well, day and night, so feel free to choose a hotel also a bit far way from the city center and save some money. 2 Determining...

Proprietors: Roland, Doris and Stephan Kuffler Tent office (phone): +49 (0)89 500 77 411 Tent office (fax): +49 (0)89 502 22 362 Website: Seating capacity inside: 1,300 Seating...


The most beautiful view points in Munich : - Olympiaturm (Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 München) - Olympiaberg (Martin-Luther-King Weg 1, 80809 München) - Alter Peter (Rindermarkt 1, 80331 München)...

Hotels in Munich