SPW Germany GmbH - Munich

Heinrich-Kley-Str. 6 , 80807 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Heinrich-Kley-Str. 6 , 80807 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 3 58 92 7
GPS Lat: 48.178970 , Lon: 11.588150


Proprietors: Roland, Doris and Stephan Kuffler Tent office (phone): +49 (0)89 500 77 411 Tent office (fax): +49 (0)89 502 22 362 Website: www.weinzelt.com/ Seating capacity inside: 1,300 Seating...

Reservations Reservations to the Oktoberfest are not necessary and entry to the grounds is free, however they can make the experience a little more relaxing, especially if coming on one of the...

Trink, Brüderlein trink Das Trinken, das soll man nicht lassen, Das Trinken regiert doch die Welt, Man soll auch den Menschen nicht hassen, Der stets eine Lage bestellt. Ob Bier oder Wein, ob...

Some ideas for a 5 days trip in Munich Breakfast/Lunch Visit 1 Lunch Visit 2 Dinner Nightlife 1 Deutsches Museum Bergwolf Sesto Senso Pizza & Bar... Jazzbar Vogler 2 Paulaner am Nockherberg...

Hotels in Munich