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In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus 1. Da, wo die grüne Isar fließt, Wo man mit "Grüß Gott" dich grüßt, Liegt meine schöne Münch'ner Stadt, Die ihresgleichen nicht hat. Wasser ist billig, rein und gut,...

How is the current weather and the forecast in Munich? Find it out here Munich Theater Munich Theater Munich is home to a vibrant theater scene with several important theaters that showcase a variety of performances, including plays, musicals, opera, and ballet. Here are some of the... Munich directory Search in our directory all what you may need need in Munich! Our directory is divided in principal categories with subcategories as well. We have already more than 28.000 entries in our directory!... Most beautiful view points in Munich The most beautiful view points in Munich : - Olympiaturm (Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 München) - Olympiaberg (Martin-Luther-King Weg 1, 80809 München) - Alter Peter (Rindermarkt 1, 80331 München)... Hotels in Munich {source}

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