Eckart Josef Arzt fuer Homoeopathie, Akupunktur,Psychosomatische Grundversorgung - Munich

Ruffinistr. 22 , 80637 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Ruffinistr. 22 , 80637 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 3 00 50 62
GPS Lat: 48.157421 , Lon: 11.534930


Some ideas to visit near Munich with the S-Bhan S2 Altomünster - Market town with a baroque church (S-Bahn station: S2 Altomünster) S4 Geltendorf - Excursion to Castle Kaltenberg (S-Bahn station: S4...

Monaco di Baviera Monaco di Baviera è una città dalle mille facce, apparentemente diverse tra loro, eppure capaci di creare un' atmosfera speciale che avvolge tutta la città, rendendola affascinante...

Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu KGaA Marsstraße 46+48, 80335 München. Tel.: 089 - 51220 Fax: 089 - 52222400 Email: Homepage:


The new season is open! Find in our website the best Biergarten in Munich ^^ Alte Villa, Alter Wirt, Alter Wirt Etterschlag, Alter Wirt Ramersdorf, Augustiner Schützengarten, Augustiner-Keller,...

Proprietors: Johann und Silvia Stadtmüller Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 66 10 42 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 65 25 34 Website: Seating capacity inside: 2,695...

Hotels in Munich