Wensauer Jutta - Munich

Eisvogelweg 26 , 81827 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Eisvogelweg 26 , 81827 , Munich , Germany
Phone: (089) 4 39 15 35
GPS Lat: 48.104053 , Lon: 11.694838


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Löwenbräu AG Nymphenburger Str. 4, 80335 München. 089 - 052000 http://www.loewenbraeu.de/ Founded: 1383 Annual production: 1,900,000 hl (Spaten & Löwenbräu combined: Löwenbräu = ca 900,000 hl) Beer...

Getting to Munich Here some advices 1 By Air from the Airport Franz Josef Strauss - Munich The Airport Franz Josef Strauss is not very far from Munich and well connected with the public transport. 2...


Munich offer you several options to spend your time, from the small bar up to the bigger club. At Munich4you.net you can found a list with : Going out Bars Beer Cellars Beer Gardens Disco Live music...

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