Löwenbräu AG
Nymphenburger Str. 4,
80335 München. 089 - 052000

Founded: 1383
Annual production: 1,900,000 hl (Spaten & Löwenbräu combined: Löwenbräu = ca 900,000 hl)

Beer alc Plato Description Score (100)
Löwenbräu Kristallweizen 4.9% 11.8º Pale filtered wheat beer.
Löwenbräu Hefe Weissbier 5.2% 11.8º Pale unfiltered wheat beer.  
Löwenbräu Schwarze Weisse 5.2% 11.8º Dark unfiltered wheat beer.
Löwenbräu Original 5.2% 11.8º Pale lager - Helles.
Tobacco and smoke aroma; sweetish taste with tobacco, grass, hop and vanilla aromas; bitter finish with metal, butter and grass aromas.
Quite a pleasant Helles, with delicate hopping. A typical Munich beer.
Löwenbräu Premium Pils 5.2% 11.8º Pils.
Löwenbräu Dunkel 5.5% 12.5º Dark lager (Dunkles).
Caramel, chocolate, cream and dates aroma, sweetish taste with chocolate and toffee aromas, bitterish finish with liquorice, cream and toast aromas.
Löwenbräu Oktoberfestbier 6.1% 13.7º Pale lager - Oktoberfest.
Vanilla, spice and grass aroma; sweet taste with butter, pepper, pear and malt aromas; bitter finish with butter, grass and spice aromas. Not bad non-märzen style Oktoberfestbier. A little too buttery for my taste, but it has good hop character. These notes are for the draught version.
The bottled version had a lemon, spice and hop aroma, malt and fruit in the mouth and a peppery finish.
Löwenbräu Triumphator 7.6% 18.2º Dark bock.
Liquorice, toffee, cherry, raisin and grape aroma; sweet taste with caramel, toffee, pear and malt aromas; bitterish finish with raisin and toffee aromas. A good example of the doppelbock style, chewy beer with bags of fruit and dark malt flavours.