Gleau Michael Dr. - Munich

Boschetsrieder Str. 121b , 81379 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Boschetsrieder Str. 121b , 81379 , Munich , Germany
GPS Lat: 48.098728 , Lon: 11.520990


Try our new free software to manage routes through GPS / GPX. You can download the existing paths and create new ones , such mountains maps, sightseeing directions , sea routes , cycle routes and...

Each year the most bigger festival in the world, takes place on the Theresienwiese in late September / early October . About 6 million visitors from around the world come to the " Oktoberfest " in...

Proprietors: Michael Käfer Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 416 83 56 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 416 88 80 Website: Seating capacity inside: 1,000...


Monaco di Baviera Monaco di Baviera è una città dalle mille facce, apparentemente diverse tra loro, eppure capaci di creare un' atmosfera speciale che avvolge tutta la città, rendendola affascinante...

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