Peterlongo Aldo - Munich

Deisenhofener Str. 66 , 81539 , Munich , München-Obergiesing ,Germany

Address: Deisenhofener Str. 66 , 81539 , Munich , Germany
Phone: 0175 5 26 18 68
GPS Lat: 48.111847 , Lon: 11.588992


Augustiner-Bräu Wagner KG Landsberger Straße 31-35, 80339 München. Tel: 089 - 519 940 F ax 089 - 519 941 11 Email: Homepage: Founded:...

Hippodrom Tel: +49 (0)89 / 29 16 46 46 Fax: +49 (0)89 / 29 54 42 E-mail Website Hofbräu Tel: +49 (0)89 / 4 48 96 70 Fax: +49 (0)89 / 4 48 35 87 E-mail Website Armbrustschützen Tel: +49 (0)89 / 23 70...

Proprietors: Roland, Doris and Stephan Kuffler Tent office (phone): +49 (0)89 500 77 411 Tent office (fax): +49 (0)89 502 22 362 Website: Seating capacity inside: 1,300 Seating...

Although many people don't realize it, the Oktoberfest is not only about beer. In reality, many people visit the grounds to enjoy the many rollercoasters and other such rides that are available for...

Monaco di Baviera Monaco di Baviera è una città dalle mille facce, apparentemente diverse tra loro, eppure capaci di creare un' atmosfera speciale che avvolge tutta la città, rendendola affascinante...

How is the current weather and the forecast in Munich? Find it out here Hotels in Munich {source}

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