Wirsing Friedrich - Munich

Engelhardstr. 6 , 81369 , Munich , München ,Germany

Address: Engelhardstr. 6 , 81369 , Munich , Germany
Phone: 0171 3 60 84 11
GPS Lat: 48.113548 , Lon: 11.538880


Löwenbräu AG Nymphenburger Str. 4, 80335 München. 089 - 052000 http://www.loewenbraeu.de/ Founded: 1383 Annual production: 1,900,000 hl (Spaten & Löwenbräu combined: Löwenbräu = ca 900,000 hl) Beer...

Proprietors: Anneliese Haberl and Antje Schneider Reservation office (phone): +49 (0)89 510 857 60 Reservation office (fax): +49 (0)89 510 857 610 Website: www.ochsenbraterei.de Seating capacity...

Reservations Reservations to the Oktoberfest are not necessary and entry to the grounds is free, however they can make the experience a little more relaxing, especially if coming on one of the...

Monaco di Baviera Monaco di Baviera è una città dalle mille facce, apparentemente diverse tra loro, eppure capaci di creare un' atmosfera speciale che avvolge tutta la città, rendendola affascinante...


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