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Am Platzl 9, Munich, München, Germany, 80331
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Probably the most famous restaurant in the world in the heart of Munich is probably the Hofbräuhaus, the light of the S-and U-Bahn station Marienplatz is within walking distance. Otherwise, ask everyone's familiar! A visit to the Hofbrauhaus is an abso ...

Rosenheimer Straße 1, Munich, München, Germany, 81667
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The Muller's public baths used to be one of the most modern public Badeetablissements and still is unique with its unique architecture Jugentstil. Both inside and outside of this bath exudes the charm of that era. This is worth a visit since 1985 Restored ...

Telephone0180 1796-223
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Munich, München, Germany
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1472, the first Bavarian university was founded by Duke Ludwig the Rich in Ingolstadt. Elector Max IV Joseph, she moved to Landshut in 1800 and 1826 won the University King Ludwig I in Munich. Initially it was housed in a former Jesuit college in addition ...

Schloß Nymphenburg 1, Munich, München, Germany
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To celebrate the birth of their son in 1664, the Elector Ferdinand Maria and his wife Henrietta Adelaide of Savoy commissioned Agostino Barelli to build a summer palace to the west of Munich. The wings and annexe buildings were added from 1701 onwards. Th ...

Telephone089 179080
Pagodenburg - Nymphenburger Park, Munich, München, Germany
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Elector Max Emanuel had this elegant two-story teahouse is octagonal and 1716-19 set up by Joseph Effner. The castle was the first garden pagoda palace of Nymphenburg. The name comes from the interior decoration, there are numerous small Chinese deities, ...

Glockenspiel - Marienplatz, Munich, München, Germany
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The world famous Glockenspiel in the tower of the Neues Rathaus town hall shows two scenes from the history of Munich. Daily at 11.00, 12.00 and also in summer (May - October) at 17.00 clock also can enjoy the carillon theater with brightly painted life-s ...

Asamkirche Sendlinger Straße 32, Munich, München, Germany
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In the middle of the road between the commercial buildings Sendlinger is St. John Nepomuk Church Asam better known under the name of its founder. In the years 1729 - 1733 bought E.Q. Asam - renowned architect and sculptor - four houses in the Sendlinge ...

Siegestor - Leopoldstraße, Munich, München, Germany
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Between university and Gisela road crosses the Triumphal Arch, the Leopold Street. Today you should see the winning goal as a memorial for peace. Following severe damage in the 2nd World War II, the gate was not constructed in full bloom again. Was it ...

Olympiaturm, Munich, München, Germany
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The 290 meter high Olympic Tower in the Olympic Park is three times higher than the towers of the Frauenkirche, one of the most distinctive landmark of Munich. It was opened in 1968 and is the central hub for television and radio in Southern Bavaria. It i ...

Neues Rathaus, Munich, München, Germany
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The city government of Munich suffered from prolonged lack of space. Therefore, in the mid-19th Century decided to build a new town hall. The new town hall was 1867 - 1909 instead of 24 town houses built in 3 phases by Georg Hauberrisser in the Gothic Rev ...

Amalienburg, Munich, München, Germany
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Elector Karl Albrecht had this beautiful rococo pleasure palace for his wife Maria Amalia of hunting enthusiasts Francois Cuvilliés 1734 - built 39th Famous artists, such as the plasterer Johann Baptist Zimmermann and the court sculptor Johann Joachim Die ...

Prinzregentenstraße 9, Munich, München, Germany
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Max Littmann errichtete im Jahre 1907 dieses Gebäude ursprünglich für die Preußische Gesandtschaft. Die bedeutende Gemäldesammlung der heutigen Schackgalerie umfasst die deutsche Früh- bis Spätromantik und geht aus der Privatsammlung des Mäzens Adolf Frie ...

Residenz, Munich, München, Germany
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The residence, which extends between the Max-Joseph-Platz and Odeon place was, until the Revolution of 1918, the seat of the Wittelsbach dukes, electors and kings. It was created from the so-called "Neuveste", in the 14th Century was built approximately a ...

Ruhmeshalle - Theresienwiese, Munich, München, Germany
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Behind the Bavaria on Theresienwiese, King Ludwig I, designed by his architect Leo von Klenze 1843 - build 53, the Hall of Fame. The three-winged building is surrounded by 48 Doric marble columns. The allegories of the four provinces of Bavaria, Bavaria, ...

Badenburg - Nymphenburger Park, Munich, München, Germany
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In the southern half of the Nymphenburg Park, Elector Max Emanuel of his court architect Josef Effner 1718 - 21 is a two-story spa building castles. He was probably inspired by the Thermenbauten the Turks, whose culture he met during the Turkish wars. The ...

BMW Welt, Munich, München, Germany
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On Petuelring, accessible by U2 or U3 to Olympia center, is the main building of the Bavarian Motor Works, BMW shortly. The Viennese architect K. Schwarzer had the original and appropriate idea of ​​the famous automobile company in an oversized four-cy ...

Salvatorplatz 1, Munich, München, Germany
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Until 1802 the Salvatorplatz the first free-standing opera house was in Germany. It was built in the mid-17th Century under Electress Henriette Adelaide and showed baroque Italian operas and French comedies for the court. Mozart's opera "Gardener of Love" ...

Residenzstr. 1, Munich, München, Germany
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The Old Residence Theatre in the residence is one of the most beautiful rococo theater in the world. Francois de Cuvilliés Built 1751 - 1753 the Court Theatre on behalf of Elector Max III. Joseph at the site of today's new Resdienztheaters. Here also was ...

Propyläen, Munich, München, Germany
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As a last resort, real neo-classical building in Munich, built by Leo Klenze 1846-62 at the Royal Palace this temple entrance modeled after the Propylaea on the Acropolis. Between two mighty towers, a 6säulige Doric pediment is visible. The pediment sculp ...

Bavaria Statue - Theresienhöhe, Munich, München, Germany
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The Bavaria - the patron saint of the country - such as Acropolis towers over the Theresienwiese where the Oktoberfest and the agricultural show held annually in September. The sculptor Louis Schwanthaler designed this monumental statue of a Germanic Amaz ...

Friedensengel, Munich, München, Germany
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At the end of the Prince Regent Street into town on the banks of the Isar is the angel of peace. This monument is on the 25 peaceful years after the War of 1870 - remember 71st Coming by car from the Prince Regent Street, you circle the angel of peace. Bu ...

Mariensäule - Marienplatz, Munich, München, Germany
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At the center of Marienplatz is the Marian Column. It is regarded as zero for all distance measurements of Munich. Situated she was 1632 under Princely Maximilian I, as a token sign that the Swedish king Gustav Adolf the residence cities of Munich and Lan ...

Feldherrnhalle - Odeonsplatz, Munich, München, Germany
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Commissioned by King Ludwig I, was 1841-44 built by his architect Friedrich von Gärtner, the commander at the Odeon Hall Square. It is the "point de vue" of Ludwig Street. It was inspired by the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. The staircase is flanked by tw ...

Schloss Nymphenburg, Munich, München, Germany
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The huge baroque complex was once the summer residence of the Wittelsbach dynasty. They emerged from a "villa suburbana" the Elector Ferdinand Maria and his wife Henriette Adelaide on the birth of the long-awaited successor to the throne Max Emanuel. Acco ...

Max-Joseph-Platz 2, Munich, München, Germany
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To build after the first opera house was torn down on Salvatorplatz 1802, King Max I Joseph gave his architect Carl Fischer of the order, a new "Royal Court and National Theatre" at the Max-Joseph-Platz. The strictly classical building was in 1811 - built ...

Glyptothek - Königsplatz, Munich, München, Germany
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Crown Prince Ludwig was the beginning of the 19th Century from Greece and Italy, buy art works of antiquity. Owing to the lack of adequate resources this art exhibition spaces, built on the north side of the Royal Square, the Glyptothek Sculpture Museum, ...

Prinzregentenstraße 82, Munich, München, Germany
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At the request of King Ludwig II, the Prince Regent Theatre in 1900/01 by the architect Max Littmann as the Festival Hall was built for Richard Wagner. Already in 1901 was the opera house with the "Meistersinger" will be opened, which led to the founding ...

Königsplatz 1, Munich, München, Germany
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Opposite the Glyptothek at the Royal Palace Georg Friedrich Ziebland built in the years 1838-48, the late-classical building, which now houses the Museum of Antiquities collection housed. Originally, the building is an art and industrial exhibition was se ...

Maximilianeum, Munich, München, Germany
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The Maximilianeum by Friedrich Bürklein 1857 - built in 1874 on the Isar. It constitutes the monumental termination of the scenery and crosses the street Maximilian in 1905 by Friedrich von Thiersch built Maximiliansbrücke including Palas Athena (1906 by ...

Magdalenenklause - Nymphenburger Park, Munich, München, Germany
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Behind the greenhouses at the Nymphenburg park could be built Elector Max Emanuel at an advanced age by his court architect Joseph Effner 1725/26 the Magdalenenklause. Princely Max Emanuel wanted to devote himself to meditation and prayer, but did not liv ...


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Proprietors: Siegfried and Sabine Abele and friends Office (phone): +49 (0)89 31 20 55 29 Office (fax): +49 (89) 31 20 55 15 Seating capacity inside: 3,200 Seating capacity outside: 1,000 Brewery:...

Welcome to Munich4you.net ! Munich4you is your starting point if you live or visit Munich. Here you can foud all the information you may need like eat, going out, healt, move, nature, services,...

Munich Singles There are several popular places in Munich where singles often meet and socialize. Here are some suggestions: 1. Bars and Clubs : Munich has a vibrant nightlife scene with many bars...

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